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thai massage therapy

Thai Massage Therapy is a blissful experience unlike anything else. It is a dynamic, flowing treatment incorporating rhythmic motion and gentle stretching leaving you feeling deeply relaxed and physically vibrant. It can be thought of as a multi-dimensional massage, with tissues being worked on from different angles and in different ways. Thai Massage Therapy is great for improving many conditions by thoroughly working on areas of tension as well as promoting the free flow of energy to allow the body to do its own healing. Anyone can benefit from Thai Massage Therapy; you don't need to be flexible at all! No oil is used, and you remain fully clothed, resting on a comfortable mat.


Thai Massage Rates as of September 1, 2022
1 hr $110 ($97.35 + HST)
75 min $130 ($115.04 + HST)
90 min $150 ($132.74 + HST)
For Kids
30 min $65 ($57.52 + HST)
45 min $80 ($70.80 + HST)

Thai Massage Therapy at Being Peace is provided by a Registered Massage Therapist and is billed as Massage Therapy which is covered under many health plans. Payment is made at the time of treatment, and you will be given a receipt that you can submit for reimbursement. Please note: No Debit/Credit. Payment can be made by cash or e-transfer.



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